2024/25 Financial aid program
Hello Clackamas United Families,
This year we have been working hard on a new website, new sports management software and now a new financial aid program. CUSC is committed to providing service and charity to the community it serves.
Great talent comes from all areas and backgrounds. We know that there are many families experiencing hardships right now and we don’t want soccer to be one of them.
This year we will be awarding scholarships at 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of total fees due, as well as uniform scholarships.
All Financial Assistance awards are intended to fill the gap between what a family can afford to pay and what is required for registration, team dues, and uniform requirements. It is expected that all players will contribute something towards these financial requirements. Only in rare circumstances will all three be covered completely through a Financial Assistance award.
We use the U.S. Government HUD Income Limits along with any personal hardships to determine which level of scholarship a family will receive.
Applicants can apply online once they have been invited to a team. Our scholarship committee will review the application and follow up with the family on a decision within two weeks. Applications for financial assistance will be kept confidential.
If you know anyone that has wanted to join but felt it was out of reach, please encourage them to apply.
If you have any questions please let us know.